





" I felt great after taking this snap! I felt a boost of energy and was able to focus better. I’ve only been taken this product for around 2 weeks now; can’t wait to see what the results will be for taken it on a long-term basis "

James, H.


" I have never been a morning person. I am usually groggy and can’t function until after a couple cups of coffee. However, after taking brān®, I have mental clarity first thing in the morning, plus I have more energy. "

Laura, A.


" 我开始服用 brān® 13 months ago, and I’ve had great results. It helped me with my stress and enhanced my focus at work. I feel great! "

Brandon, R.


" I’ve been using brān® for several weeks now, and I’m delighted with how it has helped me maintain my energy throughout the day. I feel more focused and alert. I’ll definitely continue using this product! "

Ginari, G.


" Thanks to brān®, I’m full of all day energy, patient and HAPPY, I’m beyond focused, motivated to do all projects and fun things and living the life me and my family deserve again! It’s time to take back your life with a simple SNAP like I did! "

Natasha, R.


" 在我第一次听到 "咔嚓 "一声后的 15 分钟内 brān®,我精神焕发。仿佛我身体里的每一个细胞都突然苏醒过来,蓄势待发! "

June, B.


" brān® gave me instant results that I was not expecting. In less than 5 minutes I felt more focused. After taking it for 5 days I felt more perky, energized, and ready! "

Shanika, M.


" 我总是在下午出现情绪低落,而且 brān® 当我工作过度、精神疲惫时,它能帮助我!薄荷巧克力是我的最爱! "

Heather, B.


" 我开始服用 brān® 心情也好多了!我感觉非常好!多亏了这些 Snaps,我现在感觉前所未有的好! "

Cheryl, W.


" 这么多年来,我一直在挣扎,直到我的朋友向我介绍了 brān®!!第一天我就知道,我找到了我需要的东西。谢谢 brān® 帮助我生活,而不仅仅是生存! "

Tracy, P.


" brān® 它能帮助我集中注意力,在我感到疲倦时增强我的能量,提高我的工作效率,这就是为什么我喜欢 brān®! "

Sebastián, L.


" 我开始服用 brān® daily and I saw an immediate improvement in my memory, energy and productivity! I found that I got so much done. I love being in my State of Flow. I am happy all of the time and that is a huge PLUS. brān® amps up my ability to finish every task that I start! "

Deana, H.


" brān® has helped me completely change as a person for the better. I am more calm, collected, energetic and motivated. I am a better, healthier mom thanks to these products! "

Brittany, D.


" 我想告诉你一个小插曲,在我开始服用 brān® He came into my office and said "You’re happy all the time". I hadn’t noticed a change in my demeanor, but evidently, he did. I asked my daughter if she had noticed a change and she said, ""Yeah mom, you’re not grumpy anymore"". Evidently, brän® does give you a better mood so I’m really happy about that and I continue taking it."" "

Nell, G.


" 作为一名前健美运动员,我一直在寻找新的保健品。我开始服用 brān® 就在几周前,我被它迷住了。它能给我带来额外的动力,而不会像我尝试过的其他产品那样让我崩溃。此外,它还能让我头脑清醒! "

Sam, Y.


" I’m a mom of a 6-year-old and a 7-month-old. Since my newborn has been here, she has yet to sleep through the night. She wakes up every 2 or 3 hours, so I haven’t slept a full night. Since taking brān® it has helped me significantly with my mom brain. In the morning I was like a zombie, no energy and couldn’t get moving. When l am on zoom calls, I take one snap during the call, and within 15 minutes, people start noticing my energy level, after taking that snap it seems like I am a totally different person. I am so excited for this product. "

Jessica, D.


" I’ve been taking brān® for almost 2 years. What I love most about it is the instant euphoric feeling when you take it, and I am so productive all day long. "

Randi, S.


" I’ve loved brān® since day one. I love how much it helps with my mood and patience. Being a busy mom and having so much to do, brān® really helps me focus and get more done during the day. "

Kena, S.


" I am a very busy person. The fact that I can take one brān® , first thing in the morning and by 10 PM I am still not tired is amazing. "

Ashley, C.


" I am a busy mom and I have two kids. I was really looking for something that would give me energy, motivation, and focus, that would help my mood. Let’s be honest, the patience with kiddos is lacking sometimes, so I was really looking for something that was going to help me with that. I tried a ton of different products, pills, shakes, drinks, and they really didn’t do anything for me, brān® was such a game changer! Within 15 minutes, I had energy, I was motivated, focused, my patience was incredible with my kids, which is so needed especially when you have special needs kiddos to be able to really focus on them and be patient and there for them. brān® is absolutely a game changer! "

Tracy, L.


" Being a busy mom of three little boys before I started snapping, I was extremely tired, I was just struggling to get through my days and was trying to keep up with them. When my girlfriend approached me about the snaps, I didn’t think they would work as well as she said they would. Being so simple, so affordable, I didn’t think they were going to work that well. Within 15 minutes of taking brān®, I felt an instant cloud lifted, I felt energy, I was happy, I was dancing in the kitchen with my boys, and I was less hungry throughout the day which was awesome! I would not go a day without it. I absolutely love brān® and I am just beyond happy to be on this product. "

Bri, S.


" My mental clarity has taken me by surprise the more I take these products brān® , uüth®zlēm® it only gets better! I began this journey four months ago. It has helped me feel better, think better and look better! I no longer have racing thoughts during the day or stay up all night waking up from nightmares or terrors. I am at peace and the only regret I have is Velovita not finding me sooner. "

Jessica, C.


" 我一直在使用 brān®zlēm® for 4 months and have reaped so many benefits. I have difficulty focusing and staying on task. When I started using brān®, it was such an unbelievable result. I still pinch myself when I get a project going and done without letting things distract me or stop me from completing it. I’ve also experienced a big improvement in brain fog and I’m now always so even keeled and happy. With zlēm®, my sleep patterns have been amazing. I always feel like I’ve had a full night, even after only 5 or 6 hours of sleep. It has also helped me manage my weight...YAY! Looking forward to seeing the changes in me after a year. The whole world needs this product. "

Aileen, A.


" Y’all I just have to brag on these products just a little, I have had severe sunspots on my cheeks, my spots are getting lighter and my skin is glowing with uüth® , I have suffered from sleep issues for 30+ years, I am getting the best sleep ever with zlēm®, and I am down 24 lbs and many inches in just 5 weeks with brān®. With brān®, my energy is so much better and my motivation is back. I am happy and back to myself. Y’all I’m in love! "

Julie, W.


" Due to my history, I am very careful with what I take. To be able to find a product like brān® that not only gives me clean energy without feeling jittery, and also reduces stiffness and soreness is EVERYTHING. These products gave me my life back. I’m so thankful. "

Samatha, G.


" Where do I begin? It was horrible to be a negative Nancy. I struggled so badly to have a face-to-face conversation and understand what was being said, and I never had sustainable energy without a crash. With brān® I have seen a change for the better! I’m always looking for the positive in every situation, I’m always calm. My energy is through the roof and I never struggle with that, that’s a huge thing to me and I’m so thankful for that. I’m always on my game every day. My mental acuity never lets me down! I never thought just one little snap would have so many benefits, and I’m so grateful and proud to be a part of this company! "

Britany, K.


" I recently stumbled upon an absolute game-changer in the world of nootropics: brān®. As someone who juggles multiple jobs and needs a consistent boost in energy, clarity, focus, and mood support throughout the day, this nootropic has been a total lifesaver! From the moment I started taking brān®, I noticed a significant improvement in my overall cognitive performance. It’s incredible how this little product packs such a powerful punch. The energy boost it provides is both sustained and clean, without any jittery side effects. It gives me the stamina I need to power through long and demanding workdays without crashing or feeling fatigued. "

Randall, O.


" I’ve had a brain fog in my mind making it difficult to think properly. As well as focusing on tasks. Since I started taking brān®, the results have been great. My thoughts are clear and focused. My energy is at high levels, and my spirits are raised to new heights. "

Ronald, T.


" When I started taking brān® , a lot changed for me. I started to notice that my focus became clearer, I started doing more around the house than I did before (hubby really appreciated that) and most of all, I noticed how happy I was. When I ""snap"" my brān®, I can truly feel my mood feel lighter, what a great feeling! In my opinion, brān® gives me everything I need in just one simple, take wherever I go packet. "

Julie, G.


" The cycles of extreme fatigue I go through feels like physically & mentally I almost shut down & the most routine activities feel like major chores. Since I discovered brān®I feel like I have a life jacket to keep afloat during those challenging times! I find just a half a snap most mornings quickly (within minutes!) perks me up from my morning lethargy, whereas prior it would take at least an hour before I could think clearly & feel like my body was wholly awake. Not a jittery weird feeling, just ME - an awake and functioning me! "

Lynn, S.


" YES to brān®! The first snap I took I felt the effect in minutes! The energy (Without the jitters!) The focus. The mood support. All of it! After about a week I noticed I no longer had cravings mid morning and mid afternoon like I used to! I’m a better me with my brān® ! A more focused, energized and have patience I didn’t know I even had in me! "

Baily, M.


" Since I have been taking bran, I have noticed improvement in my mental alertness, and brain function. My memory is better. Also, increased recall, and retaining information. "

Jack, G.


" Every day I’m more in love with brān®, when I take it I feel more focused, energized, and super motivated to exercise or go for a walk with my dogs; it has also helped me decrease headaches in an incredible way. "

Ana, G.


" Since taking Brān consistently for the past couple of years, I can attest to the great benefits that it gives to my mental capabilities. I can focus on any task through its completion and I do get less stressed or aggravated by the everyday annoyances that life presents to all of us. "

Trevor, A.


" After a month and 10 days of using brān® , eating right and working out I’ve lost 26 pounds. "

Fabián, L.


" I’ve been taking brān® daily for 15 months now, and my life has completely changed! The fatigue got better, the energy returned, and not only that... I’m much faster and more focused in my work! 100% recommended! "

Ricardo, P.


" I’ve been taking brān® for 15 months; it increases my energy and helps me control negative thoughts and keep my mind in check. "

Alexandra, H.




" For the past 10 years, the length of my sleep time steadily decreased until finally, some weeks I would feel that I had never fallen asleep. When I was introduced to zlēm®my life changed. Although it took consistent use, I now sleep between 6 and 8 hours most nights. In other words, it did not happen the first night. Although it always causes me to fall into a deep sleep, staying asleep took several weeks. I just love it now. "

Susan, B.


" I love this zlēm® product. I like how I am sleeping so much better in the short time I have to sleep. Also how much more refreshed I feel in the morning. And I love the detox at the beginning of every month. It really helps to keep me on track with what I eat "

Sandra, G.


" Love this product! I fall asleep within a half hour of taking zlēm®. I wake up feeling refresh and ready to start the day. "

Rosemary, F.


" zlēm® is the best not only for Sleep but also weight loss. I take it about 30 minutes before bedtime. By the time I hit the hay I am yawning up a storm and ready to sleep. Normally It takes a while for me to fall asleep but with zlēm® I am out in minutes. "

Thomas, F.


" zlēm® 让我睡了个好觉,身心都得到了休息。以前,我需要几个小时才能入睡并保持睡眠状态。 "

Aryanne, Z.


" 通过采取 zlēm® I’m getting anywhere between 6.5-8 hrs of sleep everynight! If my daughter wakes up, I can wake up function and go right back to sleep! "

Wendy, C.


" zlēm® 当我需要一晚高质量的睡眠时,我就会选择它。 "

Deana, H.


" 自从我开始服用 zlēm®它改善了我的睡眠并减轻了我的体重。我的睡眠质量是多年来最好的! "

Shanna, B.


" 我从不认为自己是一个睡不好觉的人,但一旦我发现 zlēm® 我意识到自己无法获得所需的深度睡眠。作为一个忙碌的有 4 个孩子的单身妈妈,我总是拖着疲惫的身躯从床上爬起来。有了 zlēm® 服用后 15-20 分钟内我就能入睡,醒来后感觉神清气爽,完全没有午后的疲倦感。更不用说,在生了这么多孩子后,它终于帮我甩掉了可怕的肚子。我非常感谢有这个产品。 "

Emily, C.


" 从第一天起,我就注意到 zlēm® 有效果,我个人一直以为自己睡得很好,因为我可以睡 6-8 个小时,但在服用了 zlēm® 我现在知道真正的深度安眠是什么感觉了。它确实能帮我拥有充实而高效的一天。 "

Thressa, S.


" I’ve been using zlēm® consistently for about 6 months. I like the flavor and I’ve actually lost 15-16 pounds in the last 6 months without much change in my routine or in what I eat. I really see a change in my sleeping patterns now. I wake up now in one position, all night, every night. So, if you’re looking for a good night’s sleep, zlēm® 真的有效。 "

Brett, H.


" 我从 zlēm® and I knew I had to go through a process to cleanse in order to sleep better and go through an athletic state process with this biohacking, which sounded great. I didn’t really notice much other than sleeping better and feeling more rested. Within the first couple of weeks, I noticed I dropped 9 pounds and gradually kept going. After a few months I was down 37 pounds and inches kept falling off. It was just a simple change I made before going to bed "

Rory, R.


" 我会永远感谢 zlēm®.我是一个有三个孩子的疲惫妈妈,做一些简单的事情都变得非常累,直到我发现了这些 Snaps。我的体重减轻了 50 多磅。我有精力和耐心和孩子们一起做事情。我感觉棒极了! "

Ashley, L.


" I was the guy who woke up four times a night and I don’t do that anymore. With zlēm® | sleep better through the night. I feel good and I’m creating a healthier digestive system which has helped me lose weight. A couple pounds a month are all coming off naturally just by creating a healthier digestive system as well as getting the right levels of what I need to help me sleep through the night. zlēm® is a winner. "

Nile, E.


" I’m getting older and not being able to sleep is common, but for 10 years, I have never slept more than a few hours at night. It was really a drag, but I was introduced to a biohack product which is very interesting. They told me it would help me sleep and help me lose weight as well. I started on zlēm® and on the first night I slept a full 8 hours - the first time in 10 years! Since that time, I take it at night, get plenty of sleep, but if I take it and for some reason I have to stay up, I don’t feel sleepy, I still function and react if something happens. It is great! "

Helen, R.


" I’ve been using zlēm® since it came out, it helps me sleep so much better and I don’t wake up groggy. I feel rested when I wake up. "

Mason, W.


" As a busy mom, it helps me sleep so much better, even if I wake up at night I can easily go back to bed. "

Kayla, F.


" Taking zlēm® has been amazing, it has changed the way I eat and sleep. I feel great and it has been totally because of Velovita and the amazing products. "

Cathy, A.


" It helps me sleep and rest soundly, I wake up feeling refreshed. Now I run with 7-8 hours of sleep and I have the best sleep of my life. "

Michelle, N.


" As a mom, something I was really struggling with was sleep. Every single time I would put the kids to bed, I’d be wondering if they were OK, if they were sleeping, if the door was locked, etc. All kinds of crazy stuff would come to my mind. So, sleep, even when my kiddos were sleeping, was interrupted every 30 minutes to an hour when I’d wake up worried about what was going on. I tried zlēm® and literally the first night that I tried it, I slept all night long. The worry didn’t pop up at all. I truly had an amazing night’s sleep and woke up the next day shocked. My husband was shocked too because he saw my sleep struggles before. I now also fall asleep faster; I stay asleep longer and I’ve even lost 32 pounds! It’s a really nice extra perk that I wasn’t expecting, so I absolutely love zlēm®. "

Tracy, L.


" zlēm® is literally one of the most amazing products that I have ever taken. I am a busy mom of two boys. 4 and 2, and I literally never sleep. I thought I was sleeping, but for the last 4 years I haven’t. The first time that I took zlēm®, I slept so soundly, in the same position all night. Since I started taking this product, about 8 months ago, I have lost a total of 55 pounds and my sleep is incredible. It helps lower my stress levels and I wake up feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to go every morning. "

Morgan, H.


" I’ve struggled with weight loss for a very long time. I tried everything and nothing really worked for me. Since taking zlēm® I’ve lost 16 pounds adding this one step, simple product into my daily routine. It has also really helped me with staying asleep and waking up feeling refreshed. I have a good time falling asleep. "

Randi, R.


" 我开始服用 zlēm®brān® together. I only had one goal in mind when I started using these products, to burn off my belly fat. As a 49-year-old menopausal woman, that was something I couldn’t get to budge, working out 5x a week, doing all the diets, obsessing over what I ate. Within 3 weeks I had lost 7 pounds and burned off a significant amount of belly fat and the real magic happened in week 3. It is when zlēm® started allowing me to have REM sleep. I was having actual dreams, I haven’t dreamt in 25 years. "

April, M.


" My mental clarity has taken me by surprise the more I take these products brān® , uüth®zlēm® it only gets better! I began this journey four months ago. It has helped me feel better, think better and look better! I no longer have racing thoughts during the day or stay up all night waking up from nightmares or terrors. I am at peace and the only regret I have is Velovita not finding me sooner. "

Jessica, C.


" 我一直在使用 brān®zlēm® for 4 months and have reaped so many benefits. I have difficulty focusing and staying on task. When I started using brān®, it was such an unbelievable result. I still pinch myself when I get a project going and done without letting things distract me or stop me from completing it. I’ve also experienced a big improvement in brain fog and I’m now always so even keeled and happy. With zlēm®, my sleep patterns have been amazing. I always feel like I’ve had a full night, even after only 5 or 6 hours of sleep. It has also helped me manage my weight...YAY! Looking forward to seeing the changes in me after a year. The whole world needs this product. "

Aileen, A.


" Y’all I just have to brag on these products just a little, I have had severe sunspots on my cheeks, my spots are getting lighter and my skin is glowing with uüth® , I have suffered from sleep issues for 30+ years, I am getting the best sleep ever with zlēm®, and I am down 24 lbs and many inches in just 5 weeks with brān®. With brān®, my energy is so much better and my motivation is back. I am happy and back to myself. Y’all I’m in love! "

Julie, W.


" I definitely like zlēm® and would recommend it to others who have difficulty getting enough sleep at night. I used to be constantly waking up off and on throughout the night .Now I sleep straight through and actually feel rested when I wake up the next morning. "

Carmen, W.


" I’ve suffered from insomnia for longer than I can remember, and four days after starting zlēm®, I was already seeing a difference in my sleep patterns and my energy! "

Carmen, G.


" This is a great Product. When I take this just before bed I get the most Amazing Sleep. I wake up feeling so rested and refreshed. I don’t go anywhere without it. "

Deanna, S.


" The product works as described. I am having some of the best sleep I have ever had. And, I see myself slimming down "

Alicia, T.


" zlēm® actually does what it says. You get a wonderful night’s sleep, and it helps you shed those extra pounds. This is not an "overnight" process. You take it consistently along with a more sensible diet and you will see the results "

Trevor, A.


" Getting a good night of sleep has been very hard for me to get. I have tried various items but still had problems. The first night I used the zlēm® I slept very well. It amazed me how quickly I was able to get to sleep and how restful it was. I am to the point now I am not concerned about my sleep. "

Bryan, B.


" After taking zlēm®, I’ve lost 14 lbs. I love it because it helps me to burn fat while I sleep. "

Esperanza, G.




" 自从每天服用骁果 uüth® 我个人已经看到了令人难以置信的效果。我立刻发现自己的体力和感觉都大大增强了。此外,我的头发、指甲和皮肤也变得光彩照人。我额头上的细纹也在逐月减少。这绝对是一款神奇的产品。我爱它 "

Rory, R.


" I had been struggling with the skin on my hands for two years due to the chemicals I was exposed to while working in a restaurant. I decided to try uüth® , and it helped me improve and rebuild the skin on my hands in just one month "

Camilo, V.


" 我开始服用 uüth® 13 months ago, and I’ve had great results. It helped me with my alopecia, nails, skin, and strengthened my immune system. I highly recommend it! "

Brandon, R.


" From the first box I took of uüth® , I noticed how my fine lines decreased and some spots I had started fading away. I was also surprised by the impressive growth of my hair and how it stopped falling out. And my nails, they are stronger and longer now! They used to break a lot before. "

Cristina, F.


" Now that I have been on the Snaps for a while, I have noticed my skin on face and body are brighter. I have more energy too. I highly recommend trying this Snap. Give yourself at least a few months to start seeing and feeling a difference. I think you will be amazed with how you look and feel. "

Holley, S.


" 我一直在使用 uüth® 已经一个月了。我发现我的细纹减少了。我的皮肤更有光泽了。我焕发了青春的光彩。我还发现我的肌肉线条也得到了改善。 "

Shanna, B.


" uüth® 一开始,我觉得非常有趣。我开始发现自己的头发、指甲和皮肤有了很大的变化。我脖子和胸部的皮肤很快就收紧了,大概是在两周之内。 "

Dami, P.


" uüth® 是我最新最爱的胶原蛋白。在我这个年纪,我正在尽最大努力让时光倒流!我的头发和指甲都非常健康,皮肤也从未这么好过! "

Deana, H.


" 我开始服用 uüth® 因为我的皮肤非常干燥。自从服用 uüth® I noticed a difference in my skin, and I just feel better. Whatever is in there, it’s magic! "

Tanya, R.


" 我曾为脸部和头发的保湿问题而苦恼,但现在有了 uüth® . Not only they drastically improved but CONTINUES to improve. Im so happy I found these products! "

Laurie, E.


" 我最喜欢 uüth® it’s that my skin feels so hydrated and it is made with collagen peptides improving the feeling of my skin. "

Susy, C.


" uüth® is AMAZING! I have been using this product for about approximately 90 days! It’s a true testament when friends stop you and say "What are you doing? YOUR SKIN LOOKS RADIANT!" I’m 61 and I’m loving my skin and my uüth® " "

Jacqualyn, B.


" I’m a runner and I like to stay healthy and exercise. I was so excited when the product came out. Within two weeks I started noticing a difference in my hair and nails and now I feel great! I’m so excited!" "

Char, H.


" uüth® is AMAZING! I have been using this product for approximately 90 days! It’s a true testamate when friends stop you and say " What are your doing? YOUR SKIN LOOKS RADIANT"! My skin, nails and hair are healthier and more vibrant than they have been in YEARS! "

Dawn, T.


"uüth® you feel better, you look better, and you’re outlook on life completely changes. Please, Please try it for yourself! "

Miranda, P.


" I have healthy hair again and it helps me with my joints. I’ve been using it for almost a year and it is my favorite product. "

Toni, W.


" We really enjoy the flavor and the gel, it has really helped with our knees, and it makes us feel younger and more vibrant. "

Eric and Angela, B.


" This product is amazing, I love the flavor and it has helped me clear up my skin and it is mindblowing how great it works. "

Sami, R.


" I have been going to the gym regularly for a few years now, and within a couple of weeks that I started with uüth® , I noticed an improvement, my hair feels great and my skin complexion is better. It has done a lot for my confidence. "

Danielle, W.


" 我从 uüth® and in a matter of 30 days, my hair was amazing, I am able to wear my hair down and it looks healthy and full. "

Jamie, N.


" I had one serious issue and two unbelievable side effects I guess we are going to call them. I have been struggling with really white ashy elbows and forearms for several years and hands that are all cracked up, and the doctors couldn’t figure it out. All these creams, all these medications couldn’t help me. They were telling me it was eczema, and this condition and that condition but nobody is going to help, guess what happened? My hands are clear, my elbows aren’t white and ashy, but I got to cut my fingernails every four days Kosta, and look at this hair, I get a haircut, I get a fade every four weeks. I was going to get a haircut yesterday, but I had to show you this "

Nile, E.


" I am very glad to have this product, because if there’s something women love, it’s that people tell us how young we look. "

Karla, K.


" It’s fantastic really, the new product. The flavor, he was really surprised because it is so good, and you just can’t tell that it is a vitamin on something. It’s like a yogurth, it has a good flavor, and he has to stop himself because he wants to drink it all. "

Bende, E.


" I actually did a weight loss surgery for those that you didn’t know early this year and they told me that my hair was going to fall off and I really didn’t believe them. A couple months ago, it started falling off drastically. Since taking this product, it stopped falling out, I could literally cry. My hair feels incredible, and I just really want to thank you so much for bringing out this product in the best possible time that it could come out. "

Amanda, H.


" You guys are going to love the taste of this, everyone who hasn’t tried this product is going to absolutely love the taste of this product. But I actually feel different on it too. Within 5-10 minutes, I actually feel really good, I get up and move around, but I have noticed a major difference in my hair, so a couple years ago, I actually cut all of my hair off, two years ago I cut it up to my shoulders, my hair was super long and it hasn’t grown since, it’s been two years and I haven’t gotten my hair cut since. And since taking this product my hair it’s actually growing again. "

Randi, S.


" This product works outside the house, inside the house, behind closed doors. It will help you in all sorts of areas, in the gym, in other places too. Men are going to love this, women are going to love this absolutely and all I can say is that I’ve been saying this since I first started the product, one: it tastes amazing, but the benefits from it I am 100% confident, this product alone will take us to one hundred million dollars a year in revenue and I know this is just the beginning of what we are doing, so guys thank you so much for what you and the team have put together, we cannot be more excited about what is possible right now, thank you. "

Richard, A.


" I’ve been taking uüth® for 3 months now! My skin is thanking me daily. I have always suffered from acne and dark spots. The worst is I suffered from BACKACNE!!!! Since taking the products my skin is glowing and my skin is BETTER! On top of that my skin also had really tightened and I have been seeing some of my fine lines are not as noticeable! This product is one I won’t go a day without and has me craving it everyday! "

Shelbi, K.


" I’ve been on uüth® 1 week today and my joints are not bothering me at all. I just finished Day 10 of 75HARD and the first day I had to walk carefully as I felt uncomfortable. 8 days on uüth® and I don’t even NOTICE disconfort in my body ! I’m also starting to get little sprouting hairs on my hairline. I can’t wait to see the progress in 30 days! "

Andrea, L.


" Since adding in uüth® to my regime, I have noticed that I am a lot more calm during the day. I’m not sure if it is working with brān® , or what’s happening.. but I am so much more calm. Shortly after taking uüth® I feel a tingly sensation throughout my body & I feel calm , but energized. I’ve also noticed I feel super strong!! & just this past weekend. But it’s only been a week, & I can’t wait to see what a few more weeks brings! "

Jessica, B.


" I don’t even know how to begin this, but I do know that I’ve needed this for so long— within the first 15 minutes it was like my body had forgot about my disconfort, I wanted to get out of my car and run next to the traffic. I wasn’t expecting to feel anything right away, it’s been 6 days now and honestly, I feel 10 years younger between my joints and just the extra energy this has given me. I’ve got my life back! "

Natalee, R.


" I started to lose my hair, and I was told by a friend who uses uüth®, give it a try. Well being so worried about my appearance I went ahead and tried it. I am not seeing any more big amounts of hair on my pillow anymore, a few strands here and there. I know uüth® is the reason my hair is no longer looking bad. Also, the clarity, the focus is so much better and my skin is so soft. Velovita has changed my life and my husband’s life totally. We love being reps for Velovita. "

Jenn, O.


" My mental clarity has taken me by surprise the more I take these products brān® , uüth®zlēm® it only gets better! I began this journey four months ago. It has helped me feel better, think better and look better! I no longer have racing thoughts during the day or stay up all night waking up from nightmares or terrors. I am at peace and the only regret I have is Velovita not finding me sooner. "

Jessica, C.


" Y’all I just have to brag on these products just a little, I have had severe sunspots on my cheeks, my spots are getting lighter and my skin is glowing with uüth® , I have suffered from sleep issues for 30+ years, I am getting the best sleep ever with zlēm®, and I am down 24 lbs and many inches in just 5 weeks with brān®. With brān®, my energy is so much better and my motivation is back. I am happy and back to myself. Y’all I’m in love! "

Julie, W.

plôs® Thermo



" After using plôs® during a month, this is my transformation of 8 pounds. And this is just the beginning! "

Hugo, P.


" plôs® Thermo is another great product. It gives me energy during the so I can focus on my daily tasks better. Being in the building trade, we often run out of energy but this keeps me going "

Eugene, V.


" I have found that when I use the plôs® in the mornings with my hot tea, my muscles seem to respond better to exercising (walking and cycling for me). Along with less soreness the following day. I love this product! "

June, B.


" I added this to my coffee and had lots of energy after drinking it. Tastes good and I feel energized. "

Tiffany, W.


" I took my plōs® today in my coffee and let me start by saying within minutes I had energy to organize cabinets.It’s early in the morning and my brain is clear and I feel great! Mama of 4 approves! "

Shelby, Z.


" I can’t even believe my own results! AMAZING weight management results in just over a month! I’ve struggled for so long, these snaps WORK! Adding in the plôs recently really has taken it to the next level! "

Melissa, K.


" 我刚刚开始 plôs® I’m about a weekend and already I can tell it gives me so much energy, that seems to be the thing to take in the morning. I’m looking forward to the weight management part of it. I noticed it curves my appetite and gives me energy for a long time." "

Dami, P.


" 通过使用 plôs® Thermozlēm® 我在短短 3 个月内减掉了 40 磅。我对自己的减肥进展感到惊讶和高兴。我对自己的生活习惯做了细微的改变,并没有采用极端的减肥方法。 "

Ronald, T.


" My Snaps journey began on January 31, 2021, I was looking for a way to lose weight without having to excessively exercise. I discovered the Snaps through a mutual friend via Instagram. A few days later I thought ’what do I have to lose?’ So I became a Member & Customer all in the same day. Now I’ve lost 45 pounds so far and I feel better than ever since I’ve added plôs® , brān®byōm® 到我的日常工作中。 "

Callie, A.


" Having the ability to super charge my coffee while not changing the way i have my coffee is amazing! "

Richard, A.


" 一款能帮我抑制食欲、实现目标的 Snap。我爱 plôs® Thermo 来帮助我实现目标! "



" Let me just say- I’m in love. First of all, I love that I can just add this to my coffee or tea and I can still stick to the brand of coffee I love. The simplicity of just adding it into what I already use is awesome. Second of all, in the 15 days I used it, I lost 4 pounds, my workouts were better, my endurance was better during my workouts, it seemed like my brain was clearer, and I felt incredible. It was like my morning coffee was supercharged or something. LOVE this stuff! "

Tracy, L.


" I am so impressed! I couldn’t get enough of it. I can’t believe I had such great energy all day from ONE cup of coffee. The fact that it’s so simple made it even better. I made my coffee like I normally do and added it in, couldn’t even tell it was in there aside from the insane appetite control and energy I experienced! I had to remind myself to eat, it curbed cravings and I started noticing how much lighter I felt! Definitely, my new secret weapon! "

Kena, S.


" This product made my life simpler and more enjoyable each day with increasing performance for the first two weeks. Immediately I felt an energy boost and sense of appetite control that allowed me to reduce my daily cocktail of supplements. There was an obvious and consistent reduction to my food cravings and feeling satiated longer. Unexpectedly, my mood was progressively lighter and more encouraging as my trial went on. "

David, H.


" I love this new product! Simple & easy is my jam as a busy mama of 3. The flavor is smooth and mixes well with my regular coffee! What I noticed the most is my metabolism was kicked in gear, within 30 mins I could FEEL the heat! This product makes me want to go for a walk or even a jog! If you’re looking for motivation to start the new year right, and move your body…this is for you! "

Brittany, G.


" I love this product. I feel amazing and the appetite suppressant is amazing! I used this in coffee before a long run, and I had one of the best workouts I’ve had in years! This has incredible pre-workout energy! Everyone needs this in their daily routine ASAP! "

Tara, R.


" I added this product into my morning routine and it has helped suppress my appetite sooooo much! Normally I’m pretty hungry by the time I get to the gym but now I don’t feel hungry until well after I’m home! I feel that it helps me push through my workouts harder as well, and it has the perfect flavor to my coffee. "

Bri, S.


" I have never experienced a product that gave me true appetite suppresant without feeling like I was hurting myself. Having the ability to super charge my coffee while not changing the way I have my coffee is amazing. So many other substitutes take away from my morning ritual. I want my coffee the way I want it and now I have the added benefits I’ve been looking for without compromise. After two weeks of use I was down 5 pounds. This is the fastest way to cut calories and shed weight without changing your normal routine "

Richard, A.


" My morning energy is greatly boosted by it. "

Rhonda, C.


" This product is amazing im losing weight & I love it im shifting my baby belly that hasn’t shifted im never hungry so happy for this product cant wait to use again soon "

Janene, W.


" I’ve been consuming zlēm®plôs® for 4 months now, and I’ve noticed a significant difference in muscle toning. I’ve lost a lot of weight, it’s even noticeable in my double chin that I had. In total, it’s 15 pounds, and I’m delighted with the products, they’re a hit "

Ana, B.


" My process has been fabulous, step by step. I was weighing 265 lb and now I weigh 209.2 lb. The ones I like the most are plôs®brān®. "

Alejandro, P.


" Excellent product to control size of your stomach "



" I have tried everything, and I have been unsuccessful in losing weight. I have been taking plôs®, and I am getting my body back. I am beginning to feel like myself again. I am grateful for plôs® giving me hope again. "

Shanna, B.


" I love this in my vanilla iced coffee! The appetite control has helped tremendously on over eating. I noticed I am eating smaller portions and less cravings. My new Favorite! "

Jessica, N.




" After a week of taking Byom I have noticed that my digestion has improved significantly and the flavor is delicious, I have taken it alone and also in a little water😋 "

Ana Beatriz G.


" This Snap is great. I love the flavor and helps my gut for getting upset. "

Gary, P.


" My go-to nutritious favorite Probiotics and I am thrilled!! Yum! "

Bobbi, S.


" This product has helped with my digestion. I no longer suffer from bloating. I’ll definitely be ordering more "

Elizabeth, B.


" byōm® has help so much. I used to always feel bloated and constipated after a meal. So as soon as I heard of byōm® I had to give it a try. I wanted to test it out, so I tried it with pasta and the next day with a burger, I couldn’t believe it. After eating a burger I was light as a feather and didn’t feel bloated! This was the best feeling ever! "

Natasha, G.


" Undoubtedly, byōm® is one of the best products I have encountered to this day. It greatly helps improve constipation, and also helps the colon, it’s the best thing out there. "

Natalia, C.


" byōm® has given me incredible gut health to where dairy is no longer an issue and my immune support has improved so much even when people around me are sick I’m able to battle naturally! "

Natasha, R.


" I have been having belly issues, like most of us. I started with byōm® and can now go out to eat and not suffer! The spray is easy to carry and I can eat all that favorite junk food without the bloat or uncomfortable feeling! "

Jennifer, S.


" byōm® is a great product, No bloating cramping and I feel better overall, plus it tastes Awesome. "

Rodney, C.


" After a week of taking byōm® I have noticed that my digestion has improved significantly and the flavor is delicious, I have taken it alone and also in a little water "

Ana Beatriz, G.


" byōm® is great for my stomach when it is upset and also helps to keep it from getting upset. It tastes like Fruit Loops cereal. If it is too sweet, it can be taken with water or put in any beverage. "

Susan, B.


" byōm® is helping me with constipation, gastritis, and also with food allergies. My friend Emilsen told me that food allergies are caused by intestinal problems, and Byom has helped me a lot, I have felt good in my stomach. Little by little I started eating foods that I couldn’t eat before and they haven’t caused me allergies, that product is definitely almost miraculous "

Cyndia, D.


" This product is a game changer. I have always struggled with balancing the bacteria in my gut. But with this product coming in liquid form, I know the absorption is going to help. I absolutely LOVE the taste as well. "

Thressa, S.


" I’m so excited I got to try out the product early, and let me tell you, I am in love. The taste is absolutely amazing! Sweet yet tart, with a very refreshing flavor! It makes you feel healthy right off the bat! "

Bri, S.


" After just 5 days on byōm®, I have already noticed that I have a better digestive pattern and health after meals. I absolutely love the taste, the simplicity, and the impact of this snap with the layered results from gut health to cellular hydration! "

Natasha, R.


" I had suffered from colitis flare ups for the past year and this purple SNAP has helped keep my gut in check! I will save you the details but lets just say... my bathroom visits are more enjoyable "

Jessica, N.


" I love this product because I have had issues with indigestion after I eat. Since taking this product first thing in the morning, I am able to eat during the day with no stomach issues. Anyone that has any gut issues, I think this will be a good addition to your diet. It is definitely worth a trial. And the flavor is tasty. "

Frances, B.


" I like this product I have had stomach problems since 1989, after being introduced to byōm® (even after only a few days), my system seems to be more aligned and not constatly bothering me. Thank You byom "

Sussane, M.


" I have to watch what I eat. Because of this, I have trouble going out to eat. byōm® has stopped the worry for a dinner out! I no longer have the uncomfortable bloating or the flare-ups that come from the different ingredients used in processed food. I have snaps in my purse, car, mom’s house, and gym bag! Love it! "

Jennifer, S.


" I have been takin product from the day it was released and just after a couple of these little snaps my IBO syndrome has gotten better, no more bloating after eating and no more pain in my stomach. I never thought I could feel this good after eating a meal. Thank you Velovita "

Phyllis, J.


" I adore byōm®. The flavour is delicious but the benefits are even better. Bloating gets better when I am consistent and I can feel my body regulating itself from the inside out. Definitely recommend as a first choice for anybody interested in exploring the Snap way of life!!! "

Lisa, V.


" byōm® is literally one of a kind! I take it at night when I am done eating for the day and it has literally transformed my gut health! If you have tried pills for GI, reflux and still don’t feel MUST give this a try! "

Derek, H.


" I am lactose intolerant and I now can have milk, cheese. anything else for that matter. I can have fast food now without issues, no more bloating issues. byōm® is an amazing product for sure, I take this faithfully each day. My stomach is now happy again, I don’t know how long it has been since it has been happy. To just be honest. "

Sheila, J.


" byōm® is wonderful! It is helping me to manage symptoms of bloatingon a daily basis. The flavor is pleasant and it is so easy to pack and go! I love the benefit of healthy probiotics being introduced to my body daily! Love, Love, Love It!! "

Jaqueline, S.


" I ordered the strawberry. It is yummy and seems to support the absorption of the other products in enhancing gut health. I love it! "

Pamela, S.


" My system has never felt better. This will be a continuous product in my home! "

Jessie, P.


" Byom is a Probiotic that helps food to digest as well as keep the stomach feeling good. "

Williams, R.


" Regular use of this great product, enhances dramatically your gut. It gives you the regularity that your body needs. This increases your energy, and gets rid of that bloating that you feel sometimes "

Trevor, A.


" This product is the best! Gut health is so important and the results speak for themselves! "

Katherine, O.

tuün® 共振



" I have been researching RMF pollution for over a year and have tried many products to help protect myself. I am thankful to have a product like this for my peace of mind and knowing I am being protected. "

Kristin, A.


" 关于 tuün® Resonate that excited me the most, was that I can have my phone on me and feel like I am not getting the full effect of the radiation. "

Tymiesha, M.


" 我穿 3 tuün® Resonate, so I have a lot of energy and protects me from so many things. I feel so much better! "

Kaneko, K.


" 我的天哪! tuün® Resonate has been a GAME CHANGER for my workout! For as long as I can remember, during any cardio day, I would struggle to get through my workout. Usually about halfway through I’m telling myself "just get through it and don’t throw up!" Today I found myself towards the end of my workout just as strong as the beginning and telling myself "you can go heavier on the weights!" and I did! And this is even after only getting 4 hours of sleep! "

Mary, A.


" Since I got my puppy, he has had nervous behaviors. He never wants to go on car rides. I thought maybe it was because he was nervous from the motion so I decided to put my tuün® Resonate on his collar. The first time he laid down in his kennel after 10 minutes I thought: is this coincidental? Then I tried it again, and the reaction was the same. My experience has been really amazing on myself but on my puppy? Wow. Even more noticeable! "

Natasha, R.


" This is all about feeling protected from an invisible enemy for me. We know there is an effect of tech around us. This just makes sense. And I notice that I am calmer when wearing it "

Rory, R.


" It is important to understand that tuün® is a product that protects us in the best way against and preservs our health. "

Ohad, W.


" This products actually works to counteract the effects of EMT radiation. This is found through the use of cell phones, TV, or any exposure to electronics giving off radiation. "

Jack, G.


" Before, I didn’t realize how much I needed protection. Now, I am vibrating and resonating with it happily and find that if I forget it I lessen my vibe dramatically. So, I even sleep wearing it. Fabulous! "

Bobbi, S.


" After the benefit I was having with the tuün® 3 of my friends also bought it. Great product. "

Susanne, M.


" The biggest thing I’ve noticed with this tuün® is that I’m much calmer and less quick to react in situations that arise throughout the day "

Bernice, V.


" I’ve been wearing tuün® for a week. But then I left it in my pocket and forgot to put it back on for a couple days. I was puzzled why I felt more agitated and i wasn’t sleeping a well. When i put my tuün® back on. My calm was restored. Love it! "

Kelly, M.


" I have gotten so many compliments on my "necklace". When I tell people what it actually does, they are amazed. I am by a computer, phone, smart tv or tablet it seems all day. I used to get frequent headaches but since wearing the tuün®, I have only had 1 "

Brenda, B.


" I was so excited to try on my tuün® Resonate and I’m even more excited to get one for my dog is to try out the fact that they say it works really good for dogs that are scared of thunderstorms and fireworks. I will post back about that later. "

Krista, T.


" Sleek and eye catching. Have already noticed a “lighter” more energetic feeling "

Amy, P.


" I love my tuün® - just ordered two more for gifts for my family... and spent the weekend ’testing’ the tuün® out "

Jacqueline, L.


" As soon as I put it on I felt a sense of calm. I feel grounded and connected to the earth. I will definitely be purchasing more for my family. "

Elizabeth, B.


" I could feel a change after wearing tuün® for only a few days. I was sleeping better. Wearing thishas helped with my balance, especially when working out. I feel calmer and at peace since I started wearing my tuün®. "

Shanna, B.


" Very comfortable to wear. Easy to take off and on when needed. "

Jessie, P.


" tuün® Resonate harmonizes mind and body with its innovative blend of nootropics and adaptogens, delivering sustained energy, mental clarity, and stress resilience in one convenient package. "

Laura, R. V.


" This tuün® pendant is life changing! Since receiving my tuün® , I haven’t had any bad feelings at all. I feel less tension. I highly recommend to everyone. Plus, it’s so pretty! "

Jordan, C.


" This tuün is absolutely gorgeous! Looking good while being protected from electrosmog has never been better. Lovit!! "

Jennie, P.


" I am certified in a therapy called alphabiotism, where through spirituality and energy, we seek to control stress and benefit health. When moving energy through the attention of my patients, I used to end up energetically exhausted. Since I started using tuün®, I noticed a greater difference and intensity. So, I decided to place 7 tuün® on the 7 chakra points on my therapy bed, and patients have noticed much more energy and difference, releasing emotions and relaxing into a deeper and more restorative sleep. "

Hugo, P.

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"我很荣幸成为 Velovita 的会员。我一直在寻找这样一家公司。我们的成果非常显著。来自其他成员的领导和支持是积极和鼓舞人心的。我迫不及待地想看到创始人的愿景将我们带向何方。"

安娜-戈弗雷 - 美国

"我加入 Velovita,是因为我一试用产品,看到它们的效果都非常好,我就知道我要分享它,然后我就爱上了这家公司。它让我对自己的皮肤充满信心,让我找回了昔日的凯蒂。"

凯西-塔林顿 - 弗吉尼亚州



Sheri, M. - 美国


"我之所以加入 Velovita,是因为我希望能为家人带来真正的幸福。我想让我的孩子们看到,可以与一家拥有良好运营体系,同时又能在全球范围内快速运作的公司合作。"

理查德,A. - 得克萨斯州

* 我们的产品不用于诊断、治疗、治愈或预防任何疾病。在开始一项新的膳食补充计划之前,请务必咨询您的医生。
* 我们不保证 Velovita 会员一定会成功。成功只能通过销售 Velovita 产品和 Velovita 会员的零售成功来实现。
