tuün®Resonate - 解决隐形(日益增长的)问题的生物黑客解决方案


我们的手机、Wi-Fi 路由器、微波炉和电脑都在传输不易察觉的能量波。因此,在任何有电的地方,包括在家里,都会产生电场和磁场(EMF)。


就在最近,世界卫生组织将移动设备产生的所有射频辐射列为潜在的 2B 级致癌物质。

我们每天都暴露在错综复杂的电磁场中。事实上,根据许多专家的说法由于我们便捷、快节奏的生活方式,我们所暴露的辐射量是 10 年前的 1,500,000,000,000,000,000(1,000,000,000,000,000,000)倍。因此,它们当然不是完全不可避免的。好消息是,当你远离广播设备,或者你身上或附近有电磁场排斥设备时,电磁场辐射会迅速下降。让我们仔细看看后一种解决方案。



tuün® Resonate is a wearable EMF-shielding device assembled with a proprietary combination of frequencies and a matrix of infused minerals. These components work together to dissipate the effects of surrounding EMFs and other sources of electromagnetic pollution, protecting you from the damaging effects of these invisible culprits.



tuün® Resonate contains proven technology that helps fight off electromagnetic pollution to help the body function more optimally. The pendant’s earth-grounding frequencies and other oxidative reaction reducers offset the effects of EMF radiation and restore balance to your body. Some of the benefits of carrying an EMF-repelling device such as tuün® Resonate include:


  • 提高睡眠质量
  • 提高注意力,改善情绪
  • 可减轻电磁过敏症状
  • 有助于增强活力
  • 有助于减少自由基损伤
  • 可能有助于增强幸福感




  • 限制使用手机。不使用手机时,把它放在远离自己的地方。晚上准备睡觉时,将手机放在安全的地方(或另一个房间)。
  • 通话时,将手机开免提。这样做可以减少大脑受到的射频辐射。使用耳机或免提电话可以大大减少暴露于电磁场的机会。
  • 尽量不要把手机放在口袋里或胸前附近。外出时尽量将手机放在包里。
  • 帮你的身体一个忙,偶尔拔掉电子设备的电源插头。一上午都不要使用电子产品。多花点时间在户外。




The most promising approach is to be conscious of the problem – understand that EMFs exist and be smart about your handling of the situation. There are multiple ways to shield yourself and your family from that relentless exposure and tuün® Resonate is one of them.

Research on EMFs and their adverse effects is still being published but will definitely become more conclusive as our use of broadcasting devices and appliances increases. Get ahead and stay safe with tuün® Resonate.