Sleep is one of those things we don't think about too often, until we don't get enough of it, particularly in adulthood. This one state plays such a vital role in our overall health and well-being that overlooking it is not only irresponsible but can also be dangerous.
Science has proven that adequate sleep is essential for better productivity, concentration, and brain performance. Not to mention, lowers the risk of weight gain, better calorie regulation, greater athletic performance, and improved muscle recovery!
The benefits are endless and result in a more robust immune system, reducing depression, hormonal balance, reducing inflammation, and even lowering the risk of heart disease. So, with all this, why is a restful night's sleep so elusive? The answer lies in our modern lifestyle and the pursuit of everything, at all cost.
Another reason is most people believe sleep is a waste of time. What if you can make sleep even more productive?